If you are looking for a payment plan, check out with Affirm, Afterpay, or Klarna to see your options!
By registering for 4 Intuitive Languages® with your full payment, you will receive:
Refund Policy: This program is designed to go ALL IN. We're committed to you and we are only accepting students that are 100% committed to the program. You can ask for a refund within 24 hours of purchase by emailing support@messengerofspirit.com and including pertinent information set forth in our terms and conditions. After 24 hours of purchase, there are NO REFUNDS for any reason. Please invest responsibly and with full commitment.
✔️By enrolling you agree with this statement: I agree to, abide by, and understand I can only request a refund within 24 hours of purchase as set forth in the terms and conditions. After that, there are no refunds for any reason and I am legally bound by this statement. It is the student's responsibility to choose to show up live or watch the recordings and there are no refunds if the student cannot show up live, as it does not impact the student's success in the program.
✔️I agree to and I've read all the terms here: https://courses.messengerofspirit.com/pages/4intl-terms-ev
Lifetime access to your program is contingent upon you paying in full.